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Note: You can add events for free below or simply pay-as-you go without purchasing the discount credits.
Add Your Event Details:
Your Events Details:
Your Email |
Create Password (For Editing) |
Events Newsletter |
Contact Name: |
Event Date: |
Start Time |
Phone No. (optional) |
Website Address (optional)
Tip: Links will only be Live and Clickable when upgrading.
Event Title |
Event Type (Event or Workshop) |
Event Coverage - Payments are a One-Off Fee [We email paid events to a target audience each week] |
- £14.99 events appear in the right-hand margin of all pages.
- We create a wide banner for the £14.99 events.
- The £14.99 events are also featured on
- All upgraded events are emailed to a target audience each week.
- Upgrade price is a one-off payment.
Event Category |
Event Description |
Tip: You may include live links below like: or using our upgrades.
Venue Address |
PostCode is needed to appear on our EventMap. |
Country |
Add related event tags below seperated by a comma. (Optional)
Example: Clairvoyance, Mediumship |
Upload a Photo.
Upload Picture (.jpg, .gif, .bmp)
Choose region(s) for your event:
Other Features:
Wider coverage of your event.
Included in weekly targeted Newsletter to people in your region until your event expires.
Featured on the home page of our Social Network events coming
soon list*.
Featured on our Facebook up and coming events for that week.
Featured on our coming soon Events Ticker and Home Page event list.
Include clickable hyperlinks from your event to your website or email address.
Read Terms and Conditions By posting this event you agree that you have read, understand, and accept the terms and conditions.
Upgrade Packages: |
Event Upgrade Package #1:
(£5.00) |
-Global Coverage of your event.
-It will appear in our targeted weekly Newsletter for ALL regions until your event expires.
-It will be featured on all pages of our Social Network events coming soon
-It will be featured on our Facebook up and coming events for that week.
-It will be listed across all regional sites and displayed to stand out.
-It will be featured on our coming soon Events Ticker and Home Page event list.
-Include clickable hyperlinks from your event to your website or email address.
*As events get nearer they will be displayed in our top 20 list.
Event Upgrade Package #2:
Advert appears on all pages within your local region
Your event will appear in a box advert displayed in the right hand column
of this site until it expires. A great way to advertise your event across all pages and get maximum exposure.
Featured events appear in the right hand margin of all pages on the site, your event will be viewed by all visitors of the site including all major search engines which will help promote your event across the internet.
-Wider coverage across your region and all neighbouring counties.
-It will appear in our weekly targeted Newsletter to people in your region until your event expires.
-It will be featured on the home page of our Social Network events coming
soon list*.
-It will be featured on our Facebook up and coming events for that week.
-It will be featured on our coming soon Events Ticker and Home Page event list.
-Include clickable hyperlinks from your event to your website or email address.
*As events get nearer they will be displayed in our top 20 list.
Event Upgrade Package #3:
Advert appears on all pages across all regional sites
Your event will appear in a box advert displayed in the right hand column
of this site until it expires. A great way to advertise your event across all pages and all regions and get maximum exposure.
Featured events appear in the right hand margin of all pages on the site, your event will be viewed by all visitors of the site including all major search engines which will help promote your event across the internet.
-Global coverage of your event. Reach all our visitors.
-It will appear in our weekly targeted Newsletter for ALL regions until your event expires.
-It will be featured on all pages of our Social Network events coming soon
-It will be featured on our Facebook up and coming events for that week.
-It will be listed across all regional sites and displayed to stand out.
-It will be featured on our coming soon Events Ticker and Home Page event list.
-Include clickable hyperlinks from your event to your website or email address.
*As events get nearer they will be displayed in our top 20 list.

Take online payments by linking your event to your Pay Pal account. £1.50 setup fee
per event. We don't take any commission.
Pay Pal simply email you when somebody has purchased a ticket. We advice you to login into your Pay Pal account reguarly in case your email notifications have been swallowed by spam filters.
Finished!! |
Read Terms and Conditions By posting this event you agree that you have read, understand, and accept the terms and conditions.