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I was drawn to write a post about Acknowledgement.
About the pains of people in the world who are controlled by others who have in turn abused them. Either taking from them what was most precious their innocents or for some even their lives. I have tired to show you away of acknowledging your pain rather than forgiveness which if you can is great but realistically for some impossible. I hope that I don’t cause offence to anyone as these are just my own views and opinions not to say that I am right or wrong just another point of view.
In the world today and in the past humans at times have not always treated each other with kindness love and respect, often in our deep memories they contain times, when people who should have loved and cared for us instead. They have been bullied and abused, sometime verbal often physical and more. For some it’s even the case that your own child, has been hurt by another and you can forgive that either.
This goes back many years for some to times when their childhoods should have happy memories instead of things they don’t want to share or talk about. They then in turn haunt them in adult live sometimes they then become the abuser. Again these people can become withdrawn and sullen or argumentative and nasty using control and power to select weaker victims some then go on and let others still control them and they loose self respect hiding in drink or UN able to find real peace of mind repeating the abuse of them and possibly their own children.
I believe by the last couple of paragraphs many of you will understand my message.
Hopefully some of you had the courage to sort out the issues others pretend it never happened. Yet still carry the pain into adulthood finding it hard to trust and in some cases thinking that they deserved it.
Firstly each and every one of you did not do anything wrong. You weren’t bad your weren’t naughty you were just victims and in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I know that lots of you have spent years asking why did this happen.
I would like to try and explain a theory again this is only an opinion some may agree and others would not. It does not provide the answer to your question it is another point of view. It was not Gods will and those who were the victims do not have to ask for his forgiveness. They may however want to ask for help to help them try to forgive those who caused their pain.
I am led to believe that we all have a blue print. Now for those of you who may believe that we reincarnate then this theory may be a little easier to digest. For others most of you have heard of De Ju Vie. (Just knowing that you have been there before places names date’s people etc).
There are lots of horrible things that happen in the world lots of unfairness and some people loose families children and love ones. Some loved ones are taken from them by strangers who in turn then cause pain and destruction to everyone.
There are others who seek to cause pain for no reason or rhythm just b
Blue sky
ecause they felt like it at the time. Some do accept that they have caused this pain and do attempt at some stage to say sorry whilst others remain UN remittent until they die.
Ok back to the blue print. We choose our parents and the moment of conception is just as important as the moment of birth. For those of you that have lost children to Miscarriage or because of different reason the baby was terminated the soul has done it job. Because for that moment the conception was part of its blue print for however long its life span of this particular confinement again in my opinion the children do come back to the families at a late date sometimes as brother’s sisters or even grandchildren. You will know it in your heart the expression he been here before they are an old soul.
There are up to 5 times that the body can leave the earth plane. Some decide to go before that and others of you will have several near death experiences which in turn will give you a different out look.
So we also agree to certain experience that again is why we look for soul mates its people who we have had a past connection in another life. So we may choose to leave early we may choose to experience to feel vulnerable we may choose to agree too many difference experiences. No we don’t know exactly what will happen and how we will die only that we may want to help another be taken with out knowing.
No one is going to agree to a horrible death no one is going to agree to be hurt or badly treated. I only know that for some reason we all have many experience to learn. Like Karma and things to put right.
So forgiveness is amazing and if you can do it than that good. Many people do and many more cant or wont and their lives are a living hell with constant reminders of things how they were before someone else spoilt it for them.
For you I would like to suggest that you acknowledge the pain acknowledge that you don’t have to forgive this person to get into heaven. We ask humans create our own heaven and our own hell. By allowing others to control your thoughts and beliefs it stops you moving on.
By saying look I cant forgive this person and I don’t see if I ever will but I can acknowledge that by holding on to this pain that I am giving them power I take back my power and move on with life with today with other people around me that need my love and support and let the others deal with their own hell don’t make it yours.
For those of you that have to with this pain it will get better the children that suffer do get taken care of and they are healed and cared for. This is my belief I am not about convincing you that I know more than anyone else I just want to help others realise that there is more to life than we know. What ever your beliefs religion creed colour or thoughts if it helps you then that’s what’s important. Love in the end what’s its all about. For more information and other articles I have written please visit my website
Annielise Stonexxx
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