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Bob = Constantine
Last month, this web site carried my story "Constantine and I." It was about my first revelation about my life as Constantine, the Roman Emperor of the early 4th century. Since that time, a flood of other revelations have led to three more articles. This is Part 2 of 4...
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On June 27, 2011, I intuited that I had been the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great in one of my past lives. It was a scary thought. Nevertheless, I got my nerve up, and on June 28 wrote an essay titled "Constantine and I." About a week or so later, an indisputably authoritative source confirmed my Constantine intuition in front of more than 100 people last week at a conference in Kona, Hawaii.
Since then, my original essay has been published and quoted internationally. Which led to a request by Hunt Henion, a widely published writer with a PhD in Religious Studies who currently writes on Religion and Spirituality for the San Francisco Examiner. He asked me to contribute a chapter to his new book, an anthology with a section "You Are the World," which examines how different faiths reach God. He suggested my chapter be based on my life as Constantine, with a headline of

"My Approaches to God."
I said I would consider it. But I told him I could only do it when and if the spirit moved me. I also thought that perhaps the chapter title should be "God's Approaches to Me," and that the section should be called "God in Me" or "You Are God." But then I quickly put these thoughts out of my mind. I know I am not the one driving the boat these days.
Then last night (July 30), on a starlit New Moon evening, it happened. I was unaware of it at the time, but my spirit guides were not. For, the New Moon in 'colorful' Leo the Lion is a call for us "to be creative and unabashedly share what is inside our hearts," astrology experts told me this morning (July 31). But I still didn't get it. Not right away anyway.
When I sat down at my computer keyboard this morning, I wanted to write down something in my journal about the three dreams I had last night. One of them had to do with Constantine. Then swishhhh... they just took over. I never got to write about these dreams until this story was done. It practically wrote itself. I felt like God's and my spirit guide's scribe taking down dictation.
Boy, was I ever in for a ride. Care to join me?
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