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On April 23rd 2010, I facilitated a Fire Ceremony in aid of Earth Day for Healing for the Earth and all the energies on the earth.
Currently as we can see, the Earth is going through massive changes all round, and this is affecting energies for all humans and animals too. So where volcanoes are erupting or Tsunami’s are occurring, climate changes are causing weather changes, shifts are definitely going on. These shifts are the indications of ‘Transformation’.
The Earth is going through a ‘Purification’ process. It is sifting through the ‘debris’ of old energies and the clearing out process will make way for the new energies, for the New Golden Age. According to Hindu Mythology, this world age that we are living in had a Golden Age that was very rich and abundant. However, over time as the connections to purity of a divine life where lost, we dipped down the ages. This has been predicted by past Masters, Rishis and Yogis, that were of an ‘enlightened awareness’ calibre.
This has now brought us into the Age of Kul-Yuga, ruled by the Hindu Goddess Divine Mother Kali. There are actually two aspects to this age; firstly it is a time of chaos, confusion, greed, lust, selfishness and deceit. These are all things associated with fear and the lower ego consciousness. It would lead to a path of darkness and in this darkness would be the gift of the Divine Light.
However, in order to receive the Divine Light, one would have to consciously and in truth, surrender to the Light and begin to let go of the lower ego consciousness and begin to move towards a more happier and fulfilling life. This transformation process is not easy, and it requires one to take a ‘Heroes Journey’; a journey of becoming an ‘Avatar’ and working towards ‘serving’ the whole of humanity as opposed to just serving the self.
“When the lights begin to go out on your pathway and you hit the ‘dark night of the soul’, turn to the flame within as guidance will surely be there.....” by Jaswinder Challi
The process of clearing out and transformation can take years and even decades; the beauty of this process is to live in the moment of the ‘here and now’ and to be ‘present’ in that moment and embrace it fully. The past is gone, let it go, the future is not here, why worry about it, you don’t know what tomorrow may bring. So cherish the moment you have here in the moment with the people you associate with each day.
So, the Earth’s journey is similar it is going through mass transformation, so that it can be a resource once more for all to share and enjoy abundantly.
Goddess Kali, rules ‘Ultimate Release’, especially those of ego attachment, sometimes we are forced to let go and although it may seem hard, harsh and tough at the time, the ultimate gift of growth and maturity are invaluable.
I was once told that I embodied the energies of Kali and Quan Yin, and although I did not understand it then, having gone through my own transformational journey, and helping others along their journey, has helped me to fully see and understand how these energies work.
In India the Darkness is celebrated just as favourably as the Light, for without the Darkness we cannot find the Light. So, it is to be loved and cherished and given acknowledgement, just as any other deity.
The Goddess Kali, is the Divine Feminine of the Lord Shiva, he is the Divine Masculine. as he is the God of Transformation and destructs in order to clear the way for new creation to happen.
The aim of embracing these energies is to work with them so that we can deal with our challenges positively and learn from them. To overcome fears, find strength and wisdom.
IT IS THE LIGHT WE FEAR...............
“The ‘Light’ will be as ‘Bright’ as you want it to be”. By Jaswinder Challi
People are usually living in Darkness already and so are used to that energy, what they fear in reality is the Light, because it is harder to reach the Light and grow in the Light.
*Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world, there is nothing
Enlightened about shrinking, so that other people won’t feel
Insecure around you.
We were all meant to shine as children do.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own
Light shine, we unconsciously given other people permission to do
The same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically
Liberates others*.
By: Marianne Williamson
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