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We are now more accepting of help and guidance from the angels by asking them for help when we need it, mostly for finding a parking space or praying to protect our loved ones. We also see and read about people contacting their angels and working with them more intensely and maybe we wonder how we can do these ourselves?
One way that I’ve deepened my connection to these celestial beings is by using angel cards to conduct angel readings. I will share with you techniques that I’ve learnt that always work to give accurate readings.
Firstly you’ll need to purchase a pack of angel cards which you can pick up from most new age stores and good bookstores. They do need to appeal to you as you’ll be the person using them so try and see if you can view a sample of these cards before buying them. (I have samples from most angel oracles on my website that can help with your selection).
Once you get them home you could cleanse them by lighting an incense stick of frankincense and gently move the cards through the smoke, or you can simply hold them and visualise pure white energy being poured into them followed by golden energy. You can also ask the angels to bless the cards.
You’re now ready to begin using them for angel readings. Firstly give them a good shuffle to mix them up. Then you need to decide on a question to ask the angels. In my experience when first beginning to do angel readings, it’s best to just ask; “angels please influence these cards for (name) with an accurate reading” and this always works.
Not only that, I tend to amaze my clients this way as they have not indicated an area in their life they want guidance about yet the angels always know and seem to provide relevant information.
Then continue shuffling the cards until you receive an inner knowing that says “stop! The cards are now ready”.
You then take the top cards and lay them out in a spread. A spread can consist of three cards; past, present, and future (always good for beginners) or a five card spread; distant past, recent past, present, near future, and distant future. Card spreads can consist of as many cards as you feel are acceptable. Many of my readings have involved 15 cards!! Which I would not recommend for a beginner as it can be incredibly draining.
When you have your cards laid out it is time to read them. Many of these cards will already have either a word or a small saying on them. You can read the meanings and just use those or you can read them and look deeper into what the angels are trying to say. The key to this is by asking your angels to help you understand them more. You may get a feeling of what they are trying to say, or hear them or even see pictures in your head of what they are trying to communicate to you. Stay relaxed and don’t worry if you don’t get much to begin with, keep practising.
Once you have mastered the basic reading, start practising on friends and family for this will provide you with not only confidence to work as a professional angel card reader, but also add to your experience. This in time with your own techniques will put you in a position to teach others to do angel readings.
For information on Aurora and her services you can view her website
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