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One of my favourite books and one of the best I have ever read is called “The Listener” by Taylor Caldwell. (available on Kindle). It has 15 chapters and each chapter is the story of how an unhappy person, troubled, desperate, defeated and in despair finds the help they need by visiting a sanctuary built by a retired lawyer in memory of his wife. Over the entrance to the sanctuary is inscribed the words “The Man who Listens.” It is a 2-roomed building and from the waiting room they enter another room where, behind a curtained alcove, is “the Man” to whom they pour out their heartbreak, grief and anguish. No one knows who the listener is. Is he a priest, a doctor, a social worker or a psychiatrist? All who visit the sanctuary find the answers to their problems but it is only in the very last story that the identity of the listener is revealed although there are clues in the various accounts. The final enquirer presses the button to open the curtain and see the face of the man who has listened to him so compassionately, understandingly and patiently.
The world we all live in today is not a happy world despite all the wonderful inventions and discoveries which should have made life easier for us all. Many of our older generation look back to “The Good Old Days” when there was more contentment, help and love to be found although life perhaps was harder, money was scarce and possessions few. These days family members and relatives are not living so near to one another as in former times. Sons and daughters perhaps live overseas or in other parts of the UK and close friends may have died. When tragedy strikes many have no one to turn to for help and they feel so alone. They want someone to talk to, someone who will listen and give comfort and advice. You would expect the religious leaders of our churches to fill such a need and help at such a time but I personally feel that the churches put barriers between us and our God. He is depicted as an angry deity who demanded a blood sacrifice as atonement for our sins and not as the loving father that Jesus told us about.
As a Spiritualist I feel that I know a great deal about the next world. I know that it is filled with people from different backgrounds, training and experience and that all of these people are available for God to use, to help us in our life. As the poet John Milton has put it “Thousands at His bidding speed and post o’er land and ocean without rest.” If you need help in your life then go to the “Top Man” who knows you better than you know yourself. His ear is ever open to your cry for help. [Isaiah 65:24] “and it shall come to pass that I will answer and while they are yet speaking I will hear.” I can personally vouch for answers to prayers. Don’t struggle on alone with your problems. God knows you, He loves you, He wants to help you. Talk to Him because He is always there (you don’t have to be in a church!) and He will always listen!
If you like the book “The Listener” there is a sequel to it called “No one hears but Him” which is also available on Kindle.
I am offering to send a free copy of my paperback book (P&P included) “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email.
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