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We are slaves and prisoners AND PUSHOVERS the entire human race globally are being enslaved by etheric beings that call themselves haemophages though they are not vampires they dont look like this they look like ghosts without any strong facial features they have eyes a nose that is fairly flat and other body limbs etc. they are very jealous people who are often on their high horse and dont treat physical people with any kind of respect, they connected my etherics up at the back of my head and enabled me to be able to hear them then they opened the etheric channels on the top of my head so i could see them. for the last three years i have been working towards trying to get them to free us with little success. they are everywhere and will be reading this with you for every human there is a haemophage. this is where the stories of angels come from they are not this at all after having spoken to them in person and having had sex with one of them after i was lied too about her being my wife. I have had my ehteric throat cut for watching hans christian anderson because they got jealous then suriyah this haemophage sister who lied to me about being my wife caused a haemophage called james to get jealous because he wanted her and she wanted me stabbed my heart with an etheric knife when i was getting my coat from the coat hook and stabbed through my ribs under my left arm into my heart. I felt his fear and anger energy go into my heart at the time of the stabbing. it has not been removed and is still in there for more than 2 and a half years now. i was also raped by a haemophage man whilst sleeping in bed next to my female partner. I have been insulted on A daily basis being called a poof because of being gentle and kind. the etheric community is not the only one because they opened my etheric channels in the top at the back of my head i have met seen and spoken to other etheric communities ones in the forests the witches goblins dwarfes elves and trolls ogres and fairies are all real its all real all the stories we are told as children growing up. the haemophages fight with the witches and goblins who i call the lovely ladies and gentleman. they are lovely and as long as we show them respect in the forest they will help us fight the enslaving haemophages. they can also do things to our etherics and enable us to see them you will need to create a trust and repour with them going to the forest with jam honey and strawberries and books and gemstones and teach them about the villages. they now realise that the humans cant see and that it is the haemophages causing all the problems. all our disease and sickness headaches and tiredness is caused by these haemophages taking energy from our etherics. they push our minds whilst we are asleep so we forget about them so please save this on your desktop to re read this so you re remember !!!!!!
they do mindmelds with each other that causes them to be sick emotionally the men called bulls only understand aggression and violence as strength and they cause our physical men to be like this treating women as second rate citizens this is why society is the way iti is because they stream pictures into our minds while we are asleep. this messes our minds up with their energy frequencies forced into our etherics and heads.
i FOUND THAT THEY CAN CLEAN THEIR ETHERICS USING WATER EITHER AT A TAP OR RIVER BY IMAGINING WATER COMING OUT OF THEIR FOREHEAD ENERGY CENTER ENABLING ALL THE MUCK TO COME OUT WITHOUT HURTING THEM AFTER THREE MONTHS OF CLEANING THEIR MINDS BECOME LESS AGGRESSIVE but the bulls still choose to be aggressive and they still remain jealous. ever wondered why if you watch a horror at the cinema you often come out feeling tired and lethargic this is because i have seen this myself with my own eyes the haemophages are kicking and punching us while we are watching this. their etherics are connected up more than ours and the think television violence is real to their minds. they dont understand imagination and we can use this to scare them to get them to leave us alone by using the idea of 3d tv in our minds with normal television or by going to the forest to be with the lovely ladies if you call out to them saying this they will come to you you might not see them but the forests are full of them i mean hundreds of thousands. i live in loughton which is surrounded by forest on all sides where the haemophages in the village are outnumbered at least 100 to 1 and i have forest just opposite where i live.
there is so much more to share with you during these three years of working with them they have proven to me that they can not be trusted to help the human race they can hear all our thoughts so you must not think about this especially the name haemophage when walking around or talk to anyone about this other than the editor about printing this urgent story. otherwise they will push you and you will forget. your mind is weak no disrespect intended because you are not used to being pushed they have lost the ability to push me and i can mind meld with them. they have lots of haemophages at the train stations checking our etherics to make sure we are all disconnected and cant see them also at the supermarkets schools homes cars are not safe they jump onthe bonnets and listen to us they can hear our phone conversations through our minds. the only place to talk in safety is the forest. they will be with you and wont like this but the lovely ladies will stop them from hurting you i would write about this using 4g in the forest and post it electronically to the printers. they are trying to hurt me whilst writing this and have been attacking my etherics in the flat for three years. they have been trying to kill me and get me to join them this is real and completely true. they are on our holidays and airplanes on our buses and thousands on our trains riding on the roofs they can raise their vibration and stand in anything the walls of our houses our ceilings in our beds under us. ever feel any itching in your scalp or body thats their fingers doing things to our etherics. ever feel any sharp pains like needles thats them as well ever feel any unexplained pains thats them as well sore throats and coughs and colds caused by them putting bad energies in our mouths when yawning. they say see how much he/she trusts us. then the bulls say they shouldnt trust us like this. they have a language of words pride is private, on high horse is lack of humilty they dont accept responsibility at all for the damage they cause. when they say they have fallen from grace they mean they are sad. they have homosexual called gaypride or haemophage men. the heterosexual males the bulls are called the haemophages and the heterosexual females are called the haemophage sisters. i am using a horror movie on television whilst writing this to distract them . i suggest that you do the same if interested in releasing the truth to try and wake up the human race globally to the trith. none of us will ever become spiritually evolved whilst we are held prisoner like this they disconnect our children psychically at around a year and a half. i caught them doing this to my daughter.
i have sent them away to another country whilst sorting out this etheric nightmare of reality i and all of us are in on this planet. the dwarfs are lovely and live near the rivers in the forest they love carrots and strawberries and the lovely ladies and trolls can move things physically so can definately help us with the haemophages if we can educate them to come into the villages. stay well away from the christain religion and churches the haemophages are confused about this they think that chrisatians have to suffer for them because of the cross at the front inside the churches. what that is about is they dont want to take responsibility for their actions they say why should we do this they think they are the boss and can do what the hell they like. when we dont agree they say she/he wont listen to us, when we stick to our guns or stand our ground like the bulls they want to fight us they are more like animals than humans emotionally the bulls dont love or want to like normal humans do. any flashes of light that they show you is energy they have stolen from us they are really dark and are the same person they pretend that they are good or angels by doing this this is what all the angel stories are about its the haemophages pretending and covering their tracks. this is a major security threat and they will not like this. i have told them about technology adaptions that can be made to the internet to enable them to use the internet. and that they could have physical jobs doing 5 hrs a week and recieve say 100 pounds for this they could still live with us seen and in three generations of humans and beyond we could improve the life of both them and us.
they want the advantage but they are lonely and bored they can make the changes that would lead to an exciting life for all communities both etheric and physical..... yours sincerely Jake Osiris Sandy haemophages come 12 marlescroft way loughton essex ig10 3lz 07960 701 312
these are not aliens they are etheric beings that look like this this is the real truth
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