Higher Self
The Threefold Flame (1484) (Global)
By:Helen Hain
Date: Thu,23 Mar 2023
Submitter:Andrew Hain
What is the Threefold Flame?
We have been created in the image and likeness of God and the threefold flame is the sp......View
Choose to Keep the Company of Truth (1832) (Global)
By:Guy Finley
Date: Mon,30 Mar 2020
Submitter:Life of Learning Foundation
Just as we need to keep an eye on the kinds of friends we keep around us, so must we also remain aware of the circle of “friends” we keep w......View
Choosing a Partner (1966) (Global)
By:Beth Shepherd
Date: Sat,25 May 2019
Submitter:Beth Shepherd
People who are spiritual, empathic, deep thinkers, need to take even more care in choosing a partner than "normal ordinary average" people.......View
Higher Self Soul Portraits (5441) (London)
By:Sarah Tracy
Date: Sat,04 Nov 2017
Higher Self Portraits come with a 10 page reading on all aspects that will include, past life, healing, future, mission, life now and so mu......View
Empowerment & Taking Action (11486) (Global)
By:Hanna Ehlers-Bond
Date: Fri,16 Jun 2017
Submitter:Hanna Ehlers-Bond
We can all feel dis-empowered at times, and when in this place, there are some things that we can do to feel more confident and capable aga......View
THE SOUL (11971) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Wed,07 Dec 2016
Man's long long history is the history of his journey to the unknown in quest of the realization of his immortal soul, his higher self. Thr......View
The Three Stages of Self-Realization (10104) (Global)
By:Guy Finley
Date: Sun,07 Aug 2016
Submitter:Life of Learning Foundation
The pitfalls along the upper path leading to the realization of the immortal self are well marked by the aspiring souls who have gone befor......View
Too Busy? (12228) (Global)
By:Sally Pain
Date: Wed,16 Dec 2015
Submitter:Sally's Guidance
My theory is that we live such busy lives and have so many commitments that there is rarely time to tune into ourselves and really consider......View
Psychic Reading Enlightenment (11881) (Global)
By:Heather Butt
Date: Fri,17 Jul 2015
Submitter:Heather Butt
Case Study - This is a fascinating case - the lady in question is called "Trish" she is nearly eighty but quite healthy and fit for her age......View
Visit to the Brahmasthan (14992) (Global)
By:William T. Hathaway
Date: Mon,13 Jul 2015
Submitter:William T. Hathaway
At the central point of India, the Brahmasthan, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi built an ashram, which I recently visited. Two thousand pandits live ......View
You Are God! ... Who? Me? (14522) (Global)
By:William T. Hathaway
Date: Sun,07 Jun 2015
Submitter:William T. Hathaway
The statement "You are God" seems an absurd and presumptuous blasphemy, so it needs to be clarified. According to the Vedic tradition and p......View
5th Dimension Consciousness (13178) (Global)
By:Trish LeSage
Date: Wed,12 Nov 2014
Submitter:Trish LeSage
"5th Dimension Consciousness" by Trish LeSage
We are living during a monumental time in which humanity is experiencing a shift to higher......View
The smallest seed (12742) (Global)
By:Alyssa cruise
Date: Sat,25 Oct 2014
Submitter:Alyssa cruise (imdigo child)
The tree as a baby seed once looked up and said "I will achieve great heights" and the tiny seed learnt to grow from utilising its resource......View
Friendships into Soul-ships (9869) (Global)
By:Ryan Greenwood
Date: Thu,16 Oct 2014
Submitter:Orion Diamond
When we start to release the layers of dross, control, conditioning and systematic programming of duality, we start to see our current frie......View
6th Chakra - 3rd Eye (10953) (Global)
By:Trish Kershaw
Date: Fri,15 Aug 2014
Submitter:Luna Holistics
Colour: Indigo, also yellow or violet
Sense: All senses including ESP.
Symbols: 96 petalled lotus
Associated Organs: Face, eyes, ears......View
A message from myself to myself (8105) (Global)
By:Denis Barnes
Date: Fri,01 Aug 2014
Submitter:Denis Barnes
A conversation with my higher self, or shall we say the all- knowing self.. The invisible self is showing-explaining to the earth self.. Ho......View
Help with connecting to source (11860) (Global)
By:Sally Pain
Date: Thu,17 Jul 2014
Submitter:Sally's Guidance
Help with connecting to source
How to get your own clear guidance? Do you doubt your own feelings and thoughts sometimes? Get a subject ......View
Translating Synchronicity (10886) (Global)
By:Elizabeth Francis
Date: Sun,06 Jul 2014
Submitter:Elizabeth Francis
Experiencing synchronicity is apart of our everyday lives and it is one of the commonest ways in which we interact with Spirit.
Free Will (7681) (Hampshire)
By:The Ghost Remover
Date: Sun,29 Jun 2014
Submitter:The Ghost Remover
Everyone has free will. You can choose to believe in God or
you can choose not to. You can choose to live harmoniously or you
can choose ......View
Rise of the Divine Human (12057) (Global)
Date: Mon,12 May 2014
My name is Open (formerly Chris Bourne). I'm a higher dimensional catalyst, drawn here to assist in the shift of consciousness now taking p......View
Back to Basics (11019) (Global)
By:Brenda Grubb
Date: Thu,01 Aug 2013
Submitter:Brenda Grubb
“Let us start from scratch; no-one to blame and no-one to shame; all came from the One Consciousness, and al......View
Unleash Your Inner Guru (7137) (Global)
By:Dawn Brierley
Date: Thu,31 Jan 2013
Submitter:Celestial Life Coach
The experiences we have in life and how we perceive them is completely down to us. No one else can make us perceive a situation in a certai......View
Am I Psychic? (8953) (Global)
By:David Browne
Date: Mon,28 Jan 2013
Submitter:David Browne
Am I psychic? It is a pity that there are not more people who ask this question. Sadly we get a lot of people come to us asking us for a j......View
The Metaphysical Way (10186) (Essex)
By:Brenda Grubb
Date: Sat,08 Dec 2012
Submitter:Brenda Grubb
(7th December, 2012)
In this ‘age’ of austerity it is so very hard to see the road of progression which is eternally stretched out befor......View
From perspiration to inspiration (19182) (Global)
By:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
Date: Mon,22 Oct 2012
Submitter:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
To inspire is to guide by divine influence, and this influence exists within us all…
I believe that everybody alive in this benevolent......View
Cope with Loneliness (9784) (Global)
By:Rosemary Price
Date: Mon,20 Aug 2012
Submitter:Rosemary Price
Most of the people I speak to when I am doing readings feel some sort of loneliiness. This may be because they are in a dead and boring mar......View
Positive Vibes (15872) (Global)
By:Natasha Chamberlin
Date: Thu,19 Jul 2012
There are so many ways of drawing positive energies into your life. The more positive energies in your life the happier you will become. So......View
Do You Have a Decision To Make? (11198) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Fri,01 Jun 2012
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
My mission is about using the Tarot for Transformation of oneself and ones life. Each day has a particular Major Arcana archetype assigned ......View
Wisdom of the empty mind (12377) (Essex)
By:Trinity Bourne
Date: Tue,15 May 2012
Stilling the busy mind from incessant chatter creates breathing space for the soul to flood in. When the soul floods in we catalyse our spi......View
The Pursuit of Knowledge (9866) (Global)
By:Elaine Fenton
Date: Mon,07 May 2012
Submitter:Elaine Fenton
When I awoke today, I remembered a time last year when I stood under the bowers of an apple-laden tree. I was in awe of this beautiful tree......View
The way to higher thought (10264) (Global)
Date: Sat,21 Apr 2012
Submitter:Joseph starman
Joseph is here again with a very short but powerful message from a
“High Being” that I write with. It was given quite a few years ago and......View
Overcoming Fear (12956) (Global)
By:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
Date: Tue,13 Mar 2012
Submitter:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
Overcoming Fear
There are a huge percentage of people who do not fully understand the extent to which fear controls or contributes to o......View
Defining Moments (13194) (Global)
By:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
Date: Tue,17 Jan 2012
Submitter:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
Defining moments
We all have defining moments that set in motion new chapters in our lives. This article has been created from a reflecti......View
Superior self (8684) (Global)
By:George Lochore
Date: Thu,29 Dec 2011
Submitter:George Lochore
Superior - Inferior - Inner Self
There are two sides to a man, one side is inferior, the other side is far greater and far superior.
The Meditation Police (10381) (Global)
By:Lorraine Turner
Date: Wed,21 Dec 2011
Submitter:The Upholsterer's Daughter
Ok I know this may be a bit absurd, but have you ever been in a beautiful loving meditation, on your very own island of peace only to be in......View
WHAT TO BELIEVE (10213) (Essex)
By:Mary Windsor
Date: Fri,18 Nov 2011
Submitter:Mary Windsor
In the religious and spiritual world there are many ideas of what truth is. To some this can become confusing and the questing soul can be ......View
Consciousness and Cold Weather (7799) (Global)
By:Kanya Vashon McGhee
Date: Wed,28 Sep 2011
Submitter:Norman L. McGhee, Jr.
I'm "Back on 85th Street" - I'm referring to my first 3 years on the planet when I lived on a rather dark and narrow street in Cleveland, O......View
Helping Yourself (9602) (Essex)
By:Sneha Ramji
Date: Thu,22 Sep 2011
Submitter:Sneha Ramji
Do you think that life has dealt you a bad set of cards? That life never works out the way you want to? If something can go wrong, it will ......View
Understanding Meditation (8615) (Global)
By:Peter Dolding
Date: Fri,16 Sep 2011
Submitter:Peter Dolding Psychic
To me meditation has nothing to do with sitting in a full lotus position, listening to whale birthing music, smelling incense and saying Oh......View
What is Wisdom (7703) (Global)
By:Peter Dolding
Date: Thu,15 Sep 2011
Submitter:Peter Dolding Psychic
All beings have wisdom to a greater or lesser degree.
Wisdom is the recognition of who, where, and what you are. It is the recognition of ......View
True Self (9769) (Global)
By:Sneha Ramji
Date: Wed,14 Sep 2011
Submitter:Sneha Ramji
Your True Self
What is your true self? In everyday life, we tend to be different people in different situations. We can be corporate at......View
Stuck in a Rut (10013) (Essex)
By:Sneha Ramji
Date: Tue,26 Apr 2011
Do you ever wake up and feel like your life is like groundhog day? That everything you do is routine and the pleasure has been sucked out ......View
Which Voice Wins? (13070) (Global)
By:Jill Renee
Date: Sat,29 Jan 2011
Submitter:Jill Renee
I launched a weekly radio program focusing on spirituality and personal ascension on January 18, 2011. I tend to be pretty courageous abou......View
Finding your Inner Compass (7685) (Global)
By:Sarah Page
Date: Sat,15 Jan 2011
Submitter:Helper Angel
It was such a lovely thing to have said to me, one of my friends told me that I had helped her to accept who she was, and more than that, t......View
Empowered not pressured..... (12525) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,03 Jan 2011
Submitter:Alun Illumine
At the beginning of each year, many people make New Year’s Resolutions – some choose to, some feel pressured to. Which camp do you fall int......View
Consciously focusing.... (8846) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Sat,11 Dec 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
It’s actually amazing you know. The amount of creative energy we have, I mean. Don’t you agree? Take a moment, if you will, to think about ......View
Healing through pain (9546) (Sussex)
By:Louisa Bertram
Date: Wed,24 Nov 2010
Submitter:Louisa Bertram
Living in the beautiful West Sussex countryside, there are quite a lot of road-kills – deer, badger, pheasants etc. A part of living in th......View
There is nothing we are not..... (8552) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Tue,23 Nov 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering; surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest o......View
Fear of the unknown..... (8693) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Fri,19 Nov 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
One of the challenges that we humans have to deal with is our need to control everything and need to know what’s going to happen in the fut......View
Let feelings wash over you..... (9102) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Wed,10 Nov 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain." Lord Byron
Feelings – you can’t really get away from ‘em can......View
We're all drama queens (12169) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Wed,03 Nov 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
You’ve heard me say before that everything that happens in our lives is there because we’ve attracted it there. This all happens because of......View
Money, money, money..... (10230) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Tue,19 Oct 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
OK hands up those of you who, on reading that, immediately thought of the Abba song? (I’d have my own hand raised if I weren’t typing!). In......View
God then - really just us? (9320) (Global)
By:Tamasin McGregor
Date: Tue,12 Oct 2010
Submitter:Tamasin McGregor
God then...really just us? the separation is an illusion but we really believe it..
Well, the question of God comes up a lot in the work t......View
Creating in the now..... (8760) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Sat,09 Oct 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
If you think back over your life, about all the things that have happened to you, all the things that you have given away, and all the thin......View
Celebrate with others..... (8578) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Wed,06 Oct 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
One thing which often saddens me is when I see people around me enviously attacking others for something they have. It’s such a shame when ......View
Palovana (8549) (Scottish)
Date: Tue,05 Oct 2010
"Palovana" is the Finnish word meaning "inner flame". The inner flame is something which inspires us all as people and motivates us to move......View
Make peace with where you are..... (9233) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,27 Sep 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
At the most challenging times in our life it can be very hard to appreciate all the good things that you actually do have. Much of society ......View
What can I give.....? (8835) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,13 Sep 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
“Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege.” John D Rockefeller
It goes without saying that we live in a very materialistic, and ......View
What's in your luggage? (9722) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Tue,07 Sep 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
You know when your holiday or trip is nearly at its end when you're waiting by the conveyor belt that is the "baggage reclaim". It's one of......View
Routinely Changing..... (8954) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,23 Aug 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is......View
Feel good about feeling good... (9059) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,16 Aug 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
“If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.” ~ Michael Jordon
As we mov......View
The beautiful lake of life..... (8849) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,09 Aug 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
Each of us literally chooses, by his way of attending to things, what sort of universe he shall appear to himself to inhabit.
William Jame......View
Don't worry... be happy... (9142) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,02 Aug 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln
Hopefully you’ll be humming the tune to that son......View
Everyone is beautiful..... (9136) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,26 Jul 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by......View
Speaking our truth..... (9317) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,12 Jul 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
Truth resides in every human heart, and one has to search for it there, and to be guided by truth as one sees it. But no one has a right to......View
Time to take responsibility (10492) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,05 Jul 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton
There’s a lot of stuff out there i......View
Seeing from a different angle..... (9602) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,28 Jun 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by......View
Ain't no mountain high enough (8877) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Tue,22 Jun 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch,......View
Navigating the Sea Of Life (9518) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,14 Jun 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
As we get older many of tend to get the impression that time is speeding up and that things are happening so much more quickly. In many way......View
If I could turn back time..... (9316) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,07 Jun 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” Carl Rogers
Now I’m not sure about you but when I he......View
Lovingly standing back..... (8992) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Tue,01 Jun 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. Benjamin Disraeli
For me, one o......View
This or something better..... (7920) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,24 May 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones......View
Avatar - Divine Consciousness (6681) (Global)
By:Jaswinder Challi
Date: Fri,21 May 2010
Submitter:Jaswinder Challi
Avatar Movie and Hindu Mythology
Well it’s not surprising that Avatar The Movie has hit the all time success as it portrays the picture of......View
I think I can..... (9161) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,17 May 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Anatole France
Self belief…. key to......View
Abundance consciousness (7313) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,10 May 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil. Capital in some form or other will always be needed." Mohandus K Gandhi
AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT (5423) (International)
By:Sky Shayne Innes
Date: Wed,05 May 2010
Submitter:Sky Shayne Innes
What would happen is we recognised our outer world as a direct reflection of our inner world? What would this say about us? As within, so w......View
Going with the flow..... (6738) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Tue,04 May 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"Don't waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties......View
Living in a blame culture..... (7358) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,26 Apr 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
It’s very easy in life to get into the habit of blaming other people and situations for things that happen to us that we don’t like. “We di......View
It's OK to receive..... (7333) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,19 Apr 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
“Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh ......View
Great expectations (6894) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,12 Apr 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves -- there lies the great, singular power of self-respect." Joan Di......View
Create what you want (8019) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Mon,05 Apr 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
"Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame." Erica Jong
Each passing moment brings with it a......View
Life is exciting..... (6967) (Global)
By:Alun Jones
Date: Sun,21 Mar 2010
Submitter:Alun Illumine
There is a saying that you have probably heard before and, if you haven't, then it's a new experience for you! (Which is a good thing). ......View
The Joy of Group Singing. (6154) (Global)
By:Heather Parker
Date: Tue,08 Dec 2009
Submitter:ISIS Sounds
When I first did singing on my sound healing training course I was suddenly struck by a number of things. This was unlike any other kind of......View
the knowing of higher self (8256) (Essex)
By:shane darbey
Date: Wed,15 Jul 2009
Submitter:shane darbey
The Knowing Of Higher Self.
The knowing of higher self. Only you and Spirit can change this. and beleave me it works.
For me it comes......View
Hindering Your Spiritual Growth (5238) (Suffolk)
Date: Sat,11 Jul 2009
Submitter:Little Wolf
I feel the need to express my thoughts in regard to hindering spiritual growth. These are just some of my internal ravings currently and fe......View