The new thoughtful generation (1590) (Global)
By:William T. Hathaway
Date: Tue,21 Feb 2023
Submitter:William T. Hathaway
Philosophy hasn’t been a popular topic in recent years, but that seems to be changing. Many young people now are interested in exploring th......View
Consciousness is all there is (4038) (Global)
By:William T. Hathaway
Date: Mon,28 Feb 2022
Submitter:William T. Hathaway
As Mark Twain once said, “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for sure but which just isn’t true.”
The Urge To Life (2874) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Tue,07 Aug 2018
The other day I was idly watching a pair of Hadeda Ibis birds stabbing their very long beaks down into the lawn in their search for worms a......View
Windows of opportunity (2467) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Fri,01 Jun 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
Windows of opportunity.
Windows of opportunity are there for all of us to see, however only those who are awake will actually see them. Ch......View
The Watchers (2761) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Fri,18 May 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
The Watchers.
Children are for life, Theirs not yours, their hopes and dreams and aspirations are theirs not yours. Their achievements a......View
Lessons to be Learned (3231) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Tue,24 Apr 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
If we persist in destroying the Earth through Greed, Hatred and Ego we will be given a sharp lesson. We are here to learn and enhance the E......View
Lighten the load (3881) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Tue,17 Apr 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
Well my beautiful beings of Love and Light, life’s journey is long and hard in itself, but it is made worse by the heavy burden we allow ou......View
Dream states (4848) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Sat,31 Mar 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
Dream states
I seem to be reading alot about dreams from people experiencing various types of visions whilst sleeping. With all the energy......View
The road ahead. (4739) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Mon,26 Mar 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
Our entry into life on earth is the start of a journey. Sometimes a short journey seems much longer. This is determined by the amount of le......View
Life (5057) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Thu,22 Mar 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
What are we here for? What purpose do we need to fulfil? Each one of us has a goal, a reason for being. Look inside you, the reasons are th......View
Alec Laidler (5165) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Fri,16 Mar 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
YOU the Truth.
Well my beautiful Beings of Love and Light do not shy away from your truth, stay true to yourselves for it is your very e......View
Who am I ? (4879) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Mon,12 Mar 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
Who am I ?
I am the Earth, Wind and Fire.
I am Love, Purity and Light.
I am Consciousness.
I am the Creator of my own realities.
I am ......View
Finely balanced Beings (5739) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Fri,09 Mar 2018
Submitter:Alec Laidler
Eternal life, without sex? Your soul has no gender. You are a finely balanced Being neither male or female sexuality is part of your human-......View
The power of Love (6311) (Global)
By:A Laidler
Date: Sat,03 Mar 2018
Submitter:A Laidler
The Power of Love.
Let Love determine your creations.Love is the Divine, it is the knowing.
Your emotions will have caring, empathy and p......View
Fulfilment of our Life's journey (6064) (Global)
By:A Laidler
Date: Sat,24 Feb 2018
Submitter:A Laidler
Fulfilment of our life’s journey.
Within our conscious levels the pathway of our life’s journey is planned out , however this is not cast......View
A new path of Discovery (6049) (Global)
By:A Laidler
Date: Thu,22 Feb 2018
Submitter:A Laidler
A New path of Discovery.
There is nothing quite like the feelings of despair when our soul mate, life partner, husband or wife passes over......View
What is Love? (5746) (Global)
By:A Laidler
Date: Sat,10 Feb 2018
Submitter:A Laidler
What is Love?
Some say love is passion, belief in each other, understanding and forgiveness. Some say love is the emotions, feelings tha......View
Our Origins....... The Reality (5633) (Global)
By:A Laidler
Date: Tue,30 Jan 2018
Submitter:A Laidler
Our Origins………….The Reality.
Although generally we class ourselves as human beings due to the indoctrination we have been put through ov......View
The Sacred Others (5207) (Scottish)
By:Karem Barratt
Date: Fri,26 Jan 2018
Submitter:Karem Barratt
I guess we are all familiar with the image of the sage in the cave or at the top of the mountain, and many have equated spirituality with s......View
Be Mindfull (5963) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Fri,26 Jan 2018
Submitter:A Laidler
Be Mindful.
Please be aware of your mind, of what you think you are, therefore if you think positive things, positive things will happen......View
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Wed,24 Jan 2018
The famous ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, said:-"knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom". Well, this is easier said than done, ......View
Be of pure love. (5280) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Fri,19 Jan 2018
Submitter:A Laidler
Well my beautiful Beings of Love and Light, I ask that you let the outside in and the inside out, blend and let the energy flow, mix with t......View
Research your truths (6444) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Sat,30 Sep 2017
Submitter:A Laidler
Research your truths.
Recently I have had thoughts and indecisions brought about by the concepts of others who believe differently to me......View
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Thu,17 Nov 2016
There are times when one, out of the blue as it were, commits a really selfish act and then a friend, colleague, spouse, or relative says t......View
A Meaningful Life (10025) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Sat,05 Nov 2016
There is no doubt that more and more people throughout the world are looking for ways to live a more meaningful, purposeful life. There are......View
2012 - Again? (14620) (Global)
By:A R
Date: Sun,06 Sep 2015
Submitter:Alan Rycroft
2012 – Again?
Once again I feel a rising fever pitch, a portentous build-up of intense energies pregnant with apocalyptic expectati......View
Only You (14310) (Global)
By:Alec Laidler
Date: Sat,28 Mar 2015
Submitter:Alec Laidler
Thought for today.
Do not let others determine your path.
Make your own choices for theirs are not yours to take.
Your co......View
Possibility (16919) (Scottish)
By:Philip Wray
Date: Thu,06 Nov 2014
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but transformed from one source to another
Man’s restrains are based upon his ......View
Happiness (12469) (International)
By:Michael J Robey
Date: Wed,29 Oct 2014
Submitter:Six Senses
Happiness Is Not A Result of Our Environment
Our Environment Is A Result of Our Happiness
We have the power and the right to be Happ......View
'Mysteries of Life' (31284) (Global)
By:Brenda Grubb
Date: Mon,07 Oct 2013
Submitter:Brenda Grubb
7th October, 2013
Everyone loves a mystery, which is why Agatha Christie is so popular; as are all other such Detective tales; fictional......View
Thoughts from Ireland (13944) (Global)
By:Brenda Grubb
Date: Tue,20 Aug 2013
Submitter:Brenda Grubb
On the subject of:- Ryanair:- A Few Thoughts:-
Mr O’Leary is, I believe, most enlightening in the methods with which he runs his compa......View
Tim Freke comes to Dorset (15358) (Dorset)
By:Jackie Phillipson for Vision Quest Events
Date: Thu,18 Jul 2013
Submitter:Vision Quest Events
Dorset welcomes The Stand-up Philosopher Tim Freke
The Mystery Experience
TIM FREKE is a global spiritual pioneer and bestselling au......View
Going Solar (14898) (Global)
By:Sue Vincent
Date: Wed,10 Oct 2012
Submitter:Sue Vincent
On Facebook this morning was a lovely picture of a golden sky. My attention, as my friend of the Glastonbury jaunt will tell you (pithily I......View
Some of my beliefs (10620) (Global)
Date: Wed,28 Mar 2012
Submitter:Joseph starman
Joseph is here again with some more understanding (If you believe)
Writing about “Spirituality and spirit” these are my next topics to t......View
Pearls of Wisdom (12488) (Global)
By:Andrea Elliott
Date: Wed,25 Jan 2012
Submitter:Andrea Elliott
It’s quite amusing really; how I can impart spiritual or practical “words of wisdom” to others yet question it myself.
I have also fou......View
Time for Reflection (11697) (Global)
By:Andrea Elliott
Date: Wed,25 Jan 2012
Submitter:Andrea Elliott
Does the world acts as a mirror and thus any negative or positive you give out reflect back?
A phrase, more relative to science, springs......View
Saintly Souls (12635) (Global)
By:Andrea Elliott
Date: Fri,18 Nov 2011
Submitter:Andrea Elliott
I fell upon a Pagan calendar, on one of my surfing expeditions today. The calendar noted the death of Saint Albert Magnus, a 13th century B......View
Radiant Sounds ~ Channelled Music (9239) (Kent)
By:Theresa Matthew
Date: Tue,27 Sep 2011
Radiant Sounds ~ The Healing Power of Sacred Music
Having just read an article on the healing power of music I felt moved to share my sto......View
The Power of Music (8879) (Global)
By:David Wharmby
Date: Tue,20 Sep 2011
Submitter:David Wharmby
The Power of Music.
How many times in our live’s has a piece of music affected us, it might have brought a tear to our eyes, sent shiver......View
Your Reason (9830) (International)
By:Kevin Cornwell
Date: Fri,02 Sep 2011
Submitter:Kevin Cornwell
You’re Reason.
We have little interest in your titles, the names of your groups, or what you decide to call yourselves. What is importan......View
NDE? (11694) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Sun,28 Aug 2011
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
John says: I am a diabetic and during during the winter, my electric heating switched off one night with an electric cut, I think I became ......View
A Cruel World (19605) (International)
By:Kevin Cornwell
Date: Thu,25 Aug 2011
Submitter:Kevin Cornwell
A cruel world ?
Many times we listen to the wandering thoughts that penetrate our atmospheres, and more often than not we hear of the qu......View
Passing Over (9358) (Global)
By:Kevin Cornwell
Date: Wed,24 Aug 2011
Submitter:Kevin Cornwell
There are many stories on how your spirit is extracted from your bodies and carried over into the world of spirit. The reason for the numer......View
Sun In the sky (8850) (Dorset)
By:Stuart Hampton
Date: Sat,09 Jul 2011
Submitter:Stuart Hampton
Sun in the sky
When I look up at the sun in the sky what am I seeing? A big shining sphere, a bright light above me. How has the vision ......View
Life - a mixture of good and bad? (9570) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Mon,25 Apr 2011
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
I was meeting an old friend, Cathy, at an outdoor music festival on a bright summer’s day and she had brought her friend, Jenny, along. Whi......View
The Eternal River (9196) (Global)
By:Robert Gresak
Date: Fri,18 Feb 2011
As water is the source and substance of physical life, so is the One Infinite Power the source of all that is. It flows through all and aro......View
2011 - Time to Shine (11539) (Global)
By:Tamasin McGregor
Date: Tue,04 Jan 2011
Submitter:Tamasin McGregor
There is so much hope for this year. 2011, the year that our world leaders sort themselves out. The year the global economy comes to terms......View
Silence (9477) (Essex)
By:Carole McEntee-Taylor
Date: Sun,05 Dec 2010
Submitter:Carole McEntee-Taylor
Silence stills the mind and allows the spirit free access to the deep recesses of the mind and gives the inner voice space to be heard.
What are we here to do? (8934) (Essex)
Date: Mon,23 Aug 2010
Do you ever wonder how you fit in to the universe and why amongst millions and millions of people why you are here? How do you stand out?......View
The Mind over Muscle and Mass (8167) (London)
By:Wayne Lee
Date: Sun,11 Apr 2010
Submitter:Wayne Lee
Dear clients and friends
Many of my clients struggle with over active minds, so my guides assist me with this understanding.
Emotional Timing (8990) (London)
By:Wayne Lee
Date: Sun,11 Apr 2010
Submitter:Wayne Lee
As usual, I am sharing with you the little things that make me think about healing ourselves.
I want to share something with you that I ......View
God vs Science (9651) (Scottish)
By:Jock McArthur
Date: Fri,12 Dec 2008
This will keep your attention to the end. It really makes you think.
A science professor begins his school year with a lecture to the s......View
We are all One (8098) (Essex)
By:Carole McEntee-Taylor
Date: Sun,02 Nov 2008
Submitter:Carole McEntee-Taylor
Spiritualism like most other religions or belief systems talks of how we are all one. We talk of how we are all one spirit, one great consc......View
Realms of Wondrous Gifts (9425) (Essex)
Date: Mon,29 Sep 2008
Submitter:Stephen Wollaston
Extracts from
Psychic, Mediumistic and Miraculous powers in the Great Wisdom Traditions
By ......View
Determining the Future Via Tarot (7190) (Global)
By:Pam Richards
Date: Sat,27 Sep 2008
Submitter:Pam Richards
I have studied the Tarot like many for many decades & I also teach so am often asked many questions concerning 'How' they work.
When I a......View
Psychic Sun Rise (8997) (Global)
By:Pam Richards
Date: Sat,20 Sep 2008
Submitter:Pam Richards
Psychic SunRise
Once the decision is made to start on a psychic pathway we can expect changes, & not all of them will be to our liking. ......View
The Creation (9557) (Essex)
By:George Green
Date: Sun,07 Sep 2008
(A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs")
We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification ......View
Spiritual Responsibility (8550) (Essex)
By:Carole McEntee-Taylor
Date: Sat,23 Aug 2008
Submitter:Carole McEntee-Taylor
As spiritual people we have all heard of the concept of personal responsibility, but how many of us apply it to our daily lives or even tru......View
Foregiveness (9371) (Essex)
By:William Bloom
Date: Tue,17 Jun 2008
Submitter:William Bloom
Foregiveness and a family Clash
If you follow my writings you will know that I sometimes disclose parts of my life that are not s......View
Two Questions (11583) (Essex)
By:Brenda Grubb
Date: Thu,08 May 2008
Submitter:Brenda Grubb
‘Two Questions’
What is Spiritualism?
To be spiritually aware one has to have an understanding that there is ‘something’ or, ‘someone’......View
Changes (11567) (Norfolk)
By:Yvonne Friend
Date: Tue,29 Apr 2008
Submitter:Yvonne Friend
Most of us have noticed things missing from places where we're certain we last saw them.
Lost socks, missing keys, wallets, and tools o......View
Buddhist Philosophy (9819) (Essex)
Date: Fri,04 Apr 2008
The Origin and Teachings of Buddhism
The story of Buddhism might be said to have begun with a loss of innocence. Siddhartha Gautama, a y......View
Brotherhood (9018) (Essex)
Date: Sun,02 Mar 2008
When your Brother seeks comfort.
Tell him of the Truth.
When your Brother is afraid.
Tell him of the Light.
Tell him always of the Trut......View
Your Choice (10193) (Essex)
By:Colin Abbott
Date: Sat,16 Feb 2008
Your Choice:
You say that you seek the Truth. You seek the Light and love of Creation.
Yet still you walk in the shadows fo darkness. A......View
Divine Synchronicity (9669) (Somerset)
By:Chris Bourne
Date: Sat,16 Feb 2008
Is matter a complex illusion?
Do we exist as waves of energy on a vast sea of light - a hologram created from pure consciousness? Quantum ......View
Jesus and Spirituality (13670) (Essex)
By:The Rev. Canon Renée Miller
Date: Fri,18 Jan 2008
When Jesus was speaking to the woman at the well, she said to him, "I see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshipped on this mounta......View
Ignorance is bliss (6509) (Essex)
By:Carole McEntee-Taylor
Date: Fri,14 Dec 2007
Submitter:Carole McEntee-Taylor
We often hear the phrase that ignorance is bliss. On the face of it, lack of knowledge means we can go about our daily business without any......View
Trust, Honesty and Integrity (6116) (Essex)
By:Carole and David McEntee-Taylor
Date: Mon,08 Oct 2007
Submitter:Carole and David McEntee-Taylor
Why is it that so few of us bother to vote in elections? On the face of it this may seem a strange way to start a spiritual article. But is......View
Darling, You're Divine (6798) (Essex)
By:Dr. Rhoberta Shaler
Date: Mon,01 Oct 2007
Submitter:Dr. Rhoberta Shaler
Darling, You're Divine
Is that the way you think of yourself when you look in the mirror first thing in the morning? I invite you to do......View
Forgiveness (223170) (National)
By:Carole McEntee-Taylor
Date: Sat,04 Aug 2007
Submitter:Carole McEntee-Taylor
The following came through whilst sitting in meditation.
Forgiveness is the most beautiful word for it is forgiveness that makes you fr......View
What price celebrity (8841) (Essex)
By:Carole & David McEntee-Taylor
Date: Mon,11 Jun 2007
Submitter:Carole & David McEntee-Taylor
What price celebrity?
People are dying, people are suffering and yet what do our media prioritise on our news broadcasts? Celeb......View
Creating Your Own Reality (3139) (Essex)
By:Ian Jones
Date: Mon,16 Apr 2007
Submitter:Ian Jones
Creating Your Own Reality.
How many of us believe that our thoughts are strictly private and what we think about goes no further than th......View
You are what you eat! (3021) (Essex)
By:Carole and David McEntee-Taylor
Date: Wed,28 Mar 2007
Submitter:Carole McEntee-Taylor
You Are What You Eat
We have all heard the saying ‘you are what you eat’ but how many of us have ever thought to apply it to our ......View
ARE WE WORTH SAVING (8900) (Essex)
By:Shirley Humphreys Battie
Date: Tue,13 Mar 2007
Submitter:Shirley Humphreys Battie
By Shirley Humphreys Battie
As we view the world about us and see the terrible things human beings do to ......View
Be careful what you wish for! (2343) (Essex)
By:Carole & David McEntee-Taylor
Date: Tue,17 Oct 2006
Submitter:Ian J
Be careful what you wish for!
How many times do you think about someone you have not seen for years and they suddenly contact you? How m......View
Whose life is it anyway? (2578) (Essex)
By:Carole & David McEntee-Taylor
Date: Tue,17 Oct 2006
Submitter:Ian J
Whose life is it anyway?
Do you ever wonder why some people have everything and others appear to struggle all the time? Although our tho......View