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All people have the ability to communicate with animals, plants, trees, minerals and water as well as other humans. Through the ages they have forgotten, but many are waking up to this natural capability. Meditation is key to this know-how.
Personally I did not go searching for this communication and it became a natural blending as I was approached by wild horses during my meditation time (see Straight From The Horses Mouth blog.)
Through my daily practice of sitting for purposeful fifteen minutes of meditation, I found that I was slowly communicating with my plants and even the fish that swam below my dock. Huh? How can sitting in meditation open up this link? It's actually quite simple. Meditation clears the path of debris that has cluttered our brain. Animals communicate through THOUGHT, and as we improve our ability to still the constant chatter, they seize the opportunity to speak with us. Yes, I say WITH, as there is a back and forth dialogue that occurs.
I always encourage others to record every meditation. This journaling will allow you to look back and see what information is coming TO you. I still remember the day when I first discovered meditation was opening this door of communication. Have a look at this journal entry.
Jan. 5, 2011 – I meditated early this morning. I found myself in my kitchen watering houseplants. A PLANT STARTED TALKING TO ME. He had a deep voice and was describing the chemical elements in the water. I asked if I was doing everything all right, and did they (the plants) need anything … he replied “You are doing wonderful.” I then asked another question – silence. Then I felt stupid talking to plants and tested this again by saying “bye” and as I turned to go I heard him say “bye”. Man would I love to be a plant whisperer—ha!
Animal Communication Lesson 1
I learned this method from Wynter Worsthorne of You can download her simple how to .pdf for yourself.
She taught me the number one rule in making this connection is to TRUST everything that comes to you. It may be sounds, tastes, feelings, images or just a knowing. They will use our senses to make contact and we must learn to set aside our brain and just accept what is given. TRUST the information and TRUST yourself.
Find a quiet place beside an animal you would like to communicate with. This can be a pet or an animal in nature. Be sure to have a pen and notebook to journal ALL communication.
Close your eyes and begin a meditation of silence asking for protection as you open up to the ether world. This is what I use:
To my highest guides and helpers second to none
Please protect me at this time of meditation
Knowing that everything that is said, heard, felt or sensed is with absolute love
as I blend with my conscious and become one with my spirit.
I wish to communicate with this animal and I ask for your assistance in bringing this about.
I thank ALL THAT IS.
You may now continue with your eyes closed or open (I do it eyes closed as it keeps me in the zone.) Next, begin sending thoughts of LOVE to the animal. See this love energy as white light washing over the animal. Feel the connection as this white light continues to bath the animal and sink into this sensation of absolute LOVE. You may begin to feel a bit emotional, this is perfectly normal. This emotion is your heart energy opening up and blending with this beautiful creature.
Ask permission to speak with the animal. You may get a sensation of a wall or a block, if so thank the animal and try again later. You have just felt what it is to get a "busy signal" or "not now." You may get a warm comfortable sensation and this is a "yes."
Start by being perfectly still in this space and send thoughts that make the animal feel safe in your presence. They can also SEE your auric field and will sense that you are a being that truly cares.
You can ask a question. Imagine your question floating within a bubble and send it to the animal.
Trust that the animal has heard you and wait.
Keep the question very simple and focus on the feelings and reason surrounding your question.
Ask OPEN questions. Closed questions will only allow the animal to respond in Yes or No. For example, "Does your paw hurt?" is a closed question. "How did you hurt your paw?" is an open question.
Next comes the trusting part. Sit in silence after sending your question accepting they have heard the question and stay in this love energy.
See their response in a bubble as it returns to you and pops open with a reply. Again it may be a thought, feeling, image, sound, taste or just a knowing. Often it can come quickly before you have even asked the question as they are reading your thoughts and excited you are actually able to communicate in their language.
Next just feel everything that comes to you. Do not think about it or try to engage any logic just allow the communication to wash over you. THIS TAKES PRACTICE, so if you do not feel or sense anything the first time, do not give up.
Before ending the communication always ask if there is something else the animal would like to share.
Thank them for this connection and leave them with this beautiful white light of love energy. Write EVERYTHING down and thank them.
In the next blog we will discuss how using this communication can help our planet.
To learn more about Meditation please read
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