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Lately I have listened to the ongoing dilemmas by the characters that continue to interact in my book of life. I see my entire journey as a book and people come and go throughout my story. Male and female they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and age. They each share their experiences and in doing so, they are sharing energy. But, birds of a feather should not always flock together.
When you sit and listen to these people that are in your company try to see them as energy. Positive energy will make you feel lighter and you will lean in and soak in the experience. If it is negative energy, and this doe not mean this is a negative being, they are recalling or expressing something of a negative nature. You find yourself uncomfortable, withdrawing…and your body language even recoils.
As we continue to lend our ears to these people we are absorbing their energies. They come fully charged be it positive or negative and they are blending their auric field into ours. You feel it rippling through you–this current of bad vibes. How can we keep our vibration from becoming lowered during this process?
Be truthful. With yourself and others. If someone is using you as a venting object, be aware of the role you have consented to. Yes, by listening you have given permission by allowing it to continue.
Do you have someone that is always sharing details about their relationships? Whether it's their lover or their children, it doesn't matter. Do you have someone that is always complaining about their job or lack of finances?
You must be aware that this can drain you and leave you feeling low. Why? Because they have altered your vibration. I realize that we must give our attention from time to time to encourage one another, this is perfectly normal. It is when it becomes habitual that we must be honest with ourselves AND TO THEM.
"No, I can no longer listen to this, it leaves me drained and derails my day. I have helped you many times by allowing you to vent, but I am no longer able to lend my energy this way."
Plain and simple, be direct.
You may lose a friend or have them feel flustered. Trust me, the sun will still come up tomorrow. This is called SETTING BOUNDARIES. If they are your true friends, they will thank you.
Now ask yourself a more important question… are YOU venting? Are you continually complaining to someone? Recognize this truth in yourself and address it…TODAY.
Use meditation to clear your head, remove negative energy that has collected and breathe in a fresh attitude.
Learn to find other ways of releasing negative energy like: take a walk, ride a bike, listen to enlightening music or stroll through a garden. Be true to yourself and others and RAISE YOUR VIBRATION.
To learn how you can begin to incorporate meditation in your daily journey please read
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