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Conversations With God
Book 1
The Conversations with God books provide a very interesting and thoughtful analysis of the way that we relate to ourselves, each other, our world and to God. Many people recognize the ideas in these books as ones they already held, but had never voiced to anyone. The concepts are sometimes controversial, but always thought provoking. The CWG books, of which there are 10 or so, have been translated into dozens of languages and have sold several million copies around the world.
One of the central ideas of the CWG books is that you have a personal relationship with your creator, and that this relationship is the basis of deciding what your truth is. Another idea is that every thought you have creates an exper

Neale Donald Walsch
ience, and that life works best, when what you think, say and do, is in alignment. All answers can be found within you, with the help of your connection to God. God's support for you is loving and truly unconditional. These books help us to understand how our lives sometimes (perhaps, often) end up differently than we intended, and how we can remedy that, if we choose.
The GroupOf1-UK is a UK based Conversations With God on-line discussion group where like hearted individuals can come together as One to discuss these concepts. If you attend or host you own CWG Workshop you are most welcome to advertise your group on here.
Click on the website link for more information.
Katy West
We Are One
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