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I am not from here. I am from another world. Where I come from there is no night or day, there is no up or down, left or right, right or wrong. There is no time or relativity and there We are but One, existing not in body but as pure conscious awareness and everything just IS - eternally just IS and I eternally just AM. And I am the We and the We is me! WE ARE ONE in an eternal endless NOW!
But even though I KNOW that I AM in my world, I have no way of having any EXPERIENCIAL awareness of my SELF because there is nothing to compare it with. Everything just IS and I just AM.
And so, in order to understand & experiencially know my SELF, being the Pure Creative Being of Thought that I am, I caused myself to split off from the Collective Oneness that We are. Using my Creative will to propel myself and alter my energy's vibrational rate, I was able to collect density and matter all along the way, passing through various dimensions of space as I did so and create into form, the beginnings of an individual personal identity and tangible body format. Having now spent enough time padding out a sense of self that now had a physical kind of presence, I wanted to go even further and densify myself even more so that I could become true matter instead of anti-matter. And I wanted not only that, but also to find an arena that I could use, that would be filled with everything I am NOT in order that I may understand all that I AM and experience being it. For in the same way that I could not know light was light unless there was dark to compare it with, I could not truly Know the Experience of all that I am unless I experienced being what I am NOT.
So, I got together with others who were also wanting to create the same for themselves, and between us we choreographed the perfect scenario. And what better place for it but EARTH! We would create the perfect playground in a place that provided all the props, backdrops, locations and also a whole host of supporting cast to help create the illusion. We would all play our part and get fully into character, and do it so well we would get totally sucked into it, to the point we feel and believe it's all real! Even to the point we completely forget who we truly are and that we are the ones actually creating it all as we go along, and instead feel like victims of circumstance, luck or fate, and that it's everyone & everything else that makes us feel as we do. It would be the perfect format, and I would be the star of my own REALITY SHOW!
The stage was set! I selected the right family, circumstances and evnironment for my purpose, altered my energy vibration, aligned myself to the 3D frequency and dropped into the body of a sleeping foetus who was curled up in the person who was to become known as my mother! I then had a few months in which to adjust to being in physical form and settle in, before finding myself bursting forth into a cacophony of noise, lights and sensory overload. No wonder babies cry at birth - What a shock!
Thus from this day on, bit by bit, I got to learn how to become everything I'M NOT, with the help of my parents, family, school teachers and friends, who all told me how I should & shouldn't be instead of who I am, until I finally forgot and became absorbed into the MATRIX without even knowing it! Just another Clone!
But the good news is, I came in with a built-in trigger that would kick in from time to time and act as a wake-up call, reminding me that the Matrix is but an illusion and that I am able to step out of it if I CHOOSE, or, I can forget again and go back into the illusion. It's up to me! I'm now at the point where I'm getting fed up with the Matrix and am choosing to wake up more often, but it's difficult staying in my true reality when I'm surrounded by my virtual reality's props & characters. But I can tell you this. In those moments I do remember and become one again with all that I am & where I come from, and step back into my real world, it is the most awesome experience imaginable! It's then I remember I am the creator of everything I am experiencing, the good, the bad & the ugly. Aren't I brilliant?!
So here I am. An alien in a body on earth, working my way back home! AND GUESS WHAT? SO ARE YOU....!
author: Helena Francuz aka ENERGY SPACE
Helena wrote this for me two years ago, she changed form on 8th January 2010..
Helena, Thank you for being my teacher on this earth plane & for speaking your Truth to me always in All Ways.. You Are Who I Am.. xKatyx: )
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