Sun,05 May 2024
Anamchara Oracle review by author and artist Saorsa Sionnach
Review written by Simonida Kozelj
I was visiting my dear friend Wendy Stokes and her husband one Sunday afternoon when Wendy asked me i...Read More
Tue,08 Aug 2023
Book Review: King of the Celts - Arthurian Legends and Celtic Tradition by Jean Markale, translated by Christine Hauch, Published by Simon & Schuster
French historian, Jean Markale is an academic, ...Read More
Mon,31 Jul 2023
Book Review: Women of the Celts by Jean Markale, originally published in French in 1972
Celtic studies were Jean Markale’s speciality though he wrote extensively about religious and historical myst...Read More
Mon,31 Jul 2023
Card Deck Review: Goddess Oracle by Wicca Moon. 40 full colour cards and guidebook.
This deck was created as an act of service to the Goddess by the High Priestess, Shirlee Moon, and features pain...Read More
Mon,31 Jul 2023
Book Review: Cathedral of the Black Madonna - The Druids and the Mysteries of Chartres by Jean Markale. Published by Inner Traditions.
It’s been 50 years since I visited Chartres Cathedral on a roa...Read More
Mon,27 Mar 2023
Card Deck Review: Magdalene Manifestation Cards - Create Abundance through Love by Danielle Rama Hoffman, published by Bear & Co (22/6/2023) US:$30.00 CAN$37.50 UK£20.99
The sturdy magnetic lid bo...Read More
Wed,15 Jun 2022
Between tour dates, Colin lived in Zarzadilla De Totana, Murcia, Spain
where he enjoyed time with his civil partner, Mikey, and where he has supported and fund-raised for a dog sanctuary. He needed t...Read More
Tue,14 Dec 2021
Card Deck Review: The Sacred Journey Cards by Cheryl Thiele, 44 cards in a pack, designed for those who keep a diary, and can be used for inspiration and self reflection. Small round cards that fit co...Read More
Fri,12 Nov 2021
Breaking Chains - The Evolution of the Black Madonna by Nic Phillips published by Avalonia Books. Paperback: US $24.99 U.K. £14.99 Kindle: £5.99
The Black Madonna had a mysterious relevance after a...Read More
Mon,13 Sep 2021
This book Hymns To an Unknown God - Awakening the Spirit in Everyday Life by Sam Keen was written in 1999 and when I read it 20 years ago, it made a big impact on me, so I kept it on my bookshelf. R...Read More
Fri,30 Apr 2021
BOOK REVIEW: Tarot - Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis, illustrated by Robin Wood Published by Llewellyn Worldwide 322 pages with black and white illustrations of each card taken from Robin Hood Tarot...Read More
Fri,30 Apr 2021
Book Review: Self Power - Spiritual Solutions to Life's Greatest Challenges by Deepak Chopra, paperback published by Rider, 204 pages, £7.99
Deepak Chopra is a medical doctor who is also the curre...Read More
Tue,12 Jan 2021
Each card has a number, a title, a subtitle and an image. The booklet has information about colour and how it can be used for healing, how the cards can be used to answer a question, you can place the...Read More
Fri,08 Jan 2021
Gold and Silver Guardian Angels By Angela McGerr Set of book and 144 small cards, Published by Quadrille £12.99 Author’s website:
This deck is designed to help make contact wit...Read More
Fri,08 Jan 2021
Titania's Spell Cards published by Quadrille are in a quality strong box which is covered in velvet. Each card deck contains 64 cards and has a different colour velvet. An image on one side and a spel...Read More
Wed,06 Jan 2021
Written by a member of the Inner Temple (ie licensed to practice law), the author, Charles Greenstreet Addison, refers to Latin, French and Early Modern English citations and source material, and des...Read More
Wed,06 Jan 2021
This book looks at mediaeval Occitan culture and traces the origins of the Cathar beliefs back to the Persian, Zoroaster religion. It explains the Cathar's vegetarianism, tolerance and non violence, a...Read More
Tue,04 Aug 2020
Wendy Wendy Stokes is a qualified counsellor and writes regularly for Spirit & Destiny Magazine and Psychic News. She is interested in personal development, spiritual understanding, ecology and commun...Read More
Tue,04 Aug 2020
Dream: I am in the second pew attending a wedding. In the front pew and two children without clothes. I knew this was because they were there as cherubs but it made me feel uncomfortable and I went ou...Read More
Tue,30 Jun 2020
Book Review: Dungeon, Fire and Sword - The Knights Templar in the Crusades by John J Robinson, 494 pages.
The Holy Land was considered to be the centre of the world and the Christian Warrior Monks...Read More
Thu,11 Jun 2020
Book Review: The Moses Legacy - The Evidence of History by Graham Phillips, Published by Sidgwick & Jackson. 327 pages, quality paperback.
What is the story of the inscribed stone of 850BCE in the ...Read More
Thu,06 Feb 2020
Mirrors of Time - Using Regression for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing by Dr Brian Weiss, published by Hay House. £9.99
Dr Brian L Weiss was a traditional psychiatrist when he discovered...Read More
Fri,24 Jan 2020
A Better World is PossibleBy Bruce Nixon Published by O Books 395 pages Paperback £14.99 Free ecology book pdf download available, ideal for students.
Bruce Nixon worked as a transformational a...Read More
Tue,21 Jan 2020
I would like to introduce The Spirit Guides readers to Heather Kropf - a singer/songwriter. She has self-produced 4 full-length albums, spanning over 17 years: Sky (2000), What Else is Love (2005), He...Read More
Fri,17 Jan 2020
ANIMAL VOICES ORACLE - Connecting to our Endangered Friends
By Chip Richards with illustrations by Susan Farrell
Published by Blue Angel Gallery
RRP UK £13.99
RRP US $21.95
Wondering what to...Read More
Wed,20 Nov 2019
Published by Hay House Inc. Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray. Reviewed by Wendy Stokes.
This deck has individual artworks by Lily Moses. Each boxed set has 55 cards with an accompany...Read More
Mon,08 Jan 2018
Do not drive or operate machinery whilst listening to this meditation. Switch off your phones, avoid interruption for 15 minutes, make yourself comfortable and relax!
Visit YouTube link here for m...Read More
Mon,06 Mar 2017
A free guided meditation. Please do not drive. Allow 15 minutes to relax and enjoy!...Read More
Thu,02 Mar 2017
Interative meditation presented by Anne Yates with words by Wendy Stokes. Please do not drive while listening to this meditation. Please click on 'like' if you enjoyed this meditation. ...Read More
Fri,12 Aug 2016
This is a free hypnosis session for deep relaxation. You will probably feel very sleepy so DO NOT DRIVE. Follow the instructions given by the hypnotherapist and allow 30 minutes to fully experience th...Read More
Fri,12 Aug 2016
Jo Barnard created this guided meditation with text from Wendy Stokes and it is taken from one of the meditations in The Lightworkers Circle Guide - A Workbook for Spiritual Groups. The meditation mig...Read More
Tue,24 Nov 2015
This video is a collaboration between Wendy Stokes in London and Zoe Featherstone in Brisbane, Australia. Though weight loss is a difficult and sensitive topic, for those with health issues, it is vit...Read More
Sat,07 Feb 2015
Thank you very much indeed Dawn Rumsey who has created this wonderful video from the meditations in my book The Lightworkers Circle Guide - A Workbook for Spiritual Groups. You can find out if you are...Read More
Mon,30 Sep 2013
Yesterday, Lynn Saunders, owner of the Atlantis Spiritual Centre in Crews Hill hosted a day of divination. This well-equipped centre has excellent free parking and is just five minutes walk from Crews...Read More
Fri,23 Aug 2013
Why see a Counsellor or Therapist? Why would someone go to the expense, time and commitment to train as a counsellor/therapist if it were easy to guide someone through the process of change?
In 198...Read More
Sun,14 Jul 2013
Go to any Evangelical Christian church and you will hear the congregation and minister speaking in tongues as from the Holy Spirit, people deliver messages from Spirit in every Spiritualist church, vo...Read More
Mon,17 Jun 2013
Upon reading the book titled: Atma Bodha - With an Offering of Devotional Hymns by Swamini Sri Lalitambika Devi, Dr Lorenzo da Costa writes how he enjoyed "a beautiful collection of seven sacred devot...Read More
Sun,26 May 2013
Please describe 'A Week in the Life of Tiffany Crosara?'
"Monday through to Wednesday, I live with my husband, my stepdaughter and our two cats in Mousehole, a tiny fishing village only a few miles...Read More
Tue,14 May 2013
I was recently told 'there is no such thing as evil', but the person that said this often hurts people with their selfishness and back-biting. Is there such a thing as evil? JJ
Dear JJ, Many of my ...Read More
Fri,26 Apr 2013
Wendy! How can I tell if someone is a genuine healer? I have a long term and serious health condition and would like to see a spiritual healer but there are so many in the marketplace all offering the...Read More
Tue,23 Apr 2013
The purpose of an economy should be the well being of all. We’re all interdependent, humans and other life on the planet. People everywhere share the same need for love, happiness, security, good work...Read More
Sun,07 Apr 2013
The best thing about my small group of 8 people is that this is the ideal size for an indepth group and there was plenty of time for sharing ideas and experiences. A larger group tends to be discussio...Read More
Thu,04 Apr 2013
I am a medium but I do not give people messages from their loved ones in Spirit. The word 'mediumship' encompasses the healing arts, channelling, divination - AND contact with departed family and frie...Read More
Tue,02 Apr 2013
What is the difference between a ghost and a spirit? I was asked this question recently and there does appear to be some confusion. Upon death, the deceased goes through the process of entry to the sp...Read More
Wed,20 Mar 2013
Book Review: Spiritual Medicine - 7 Spiritual Potions to Heal Your Life by Cissi Williams published by O Books
I am interested in all spiritual subjects and the first section of 'Spiritual Medicine...Read More
Wed,13 Mar 2013
Natal astrology draws up a birth chart which is a map of the sky at the moment of an individual’s birth. It shows the 12 constellations of the zodiac and where the sun, moon and planets are positioned...Read More
Mon,11 Mar 2013
Title: The Transformational Truth of Tarot: The Fools Journey by Tiffany Crosara is published by Dodona Books.
The aim of this book is to connect the reader to the Tarot deck through their own emot...Read More
Sun,10 Mar 2013
International Women's Day on 8th March 2013 was celebrated at Woodford Spiritualist Church. Facilitated by the counsellor, channeller and healer, Wendy Stokes. Women in all countries and cultures sear...Read More
Wed,06 Mar 2013
I have met so many mediums over the years who have told me they have a Red Indian spirit guide (though the term makes real native American people bristle, as ‘Indian’ is a colonial word founded on a m...Read More
Thu,28 Feb 2013
In 2009, Maria Savva had the opportunity to become the owner of a property in Sun Street, the main shopping street and a pedestrian precinct in Waltham Abbey. Waltham Abbey is a wonderful community si...Read More
Fri,25 Jan 2013
I was recently teaching at a meditation evening. One of the eight members of the group saw an angel and was asked what colour it was wearing! Blue, she said, it must be Michael! Michael in blue? Oh! Y...Read More
Thu,17 Jan 2013
Good question!
Unfortunately, in the New Age, we speak a language that not only other people outside cannot understand - but even those within it are speaking at cross purposes.
We have no consist...Read More
Thu,17 Jan 2013
I read the book 'The Truth Agenda - Making Sense of Unexplained Mysteries, Global Cover-Ups and 2012 Prophecies' by Andy Thomas and found it very entertaining. It scans a vast timeline from pyramid my...Read More
Thu,17 Jan 2013
What is 'Spirituality'?
Spirituality is not about practicing a religion or a belief about who God is or what God does. Spirituality is a part of the four aspects of the life of all human beings. We...Read More
Sat,24 Nov 2012
Dear Wendy, I caught out a medium recently who I know from work where people pay him for readings. He is always telling people what his Red Indian spirit guide tells him about them. He showed me a ske...Read More
Fri,16 Nov 2012
Journey to the Dark Goddess: How to return to your Soul
Author: Jane Meredith
Publisher: Moon Books
Paperback: £12.99
ISBN: 978-1846946776
Number of Pages: 241
Jane Meredith is a Priestess of ...Read More
Sat,10 Nov 2012
The Launch of ‘The Jacket Technique’ on 8th November was attended by a rich array of people from wide and diverse disciplines and specialities: a retired doctor of medicine, an architect, a psychic ar...Read More
Thu,18 Oct 2012
It’s a daily recurring ritual. People who meet each other and say, “How are you?” “Very well, and you?” “I’m great, thanks.” “Well, have to run; busy, busy, busy! Bye!”
Now this same conversation,...Read More
Tue,17 Jul 2012
How proud we are of our forest and how pleased we are when a new book is released to aid our enjoyment. Many people of all ages and from many walks of life are familiar with Nicholas Hagger who was a ...Read More
Tue,17 Jul 2012
This is a moving autobiography by Deborah Lloyd who was born, the eldest of nine children into a Catholic family in economic difficulties. At three years of age, she contracted polio which required su...Read More
Tue,26 Jun 2012
‘The Housewives Tarot - A Domestic Divination Kit’ card deck;
Design and collage illustrations by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffin;
Well made box containing 78 cards and 96 page instruction booklet;
...Read More
Tue,15 May 2012
Wendy, I am told if there is a nuclear war that angels will save us from destruction. Do you think this is true? Jimmie.
Dear Jimmie, I very much doubt it! Two incidents are described in the Bible ...Read More
Tue,08 May 2012
Wendy, what is a spirit guide and how do we know we are guided by a spirit. I know many people who could be deceived by this, how do you prove what you believe? Lennie
Hi Lennie, spirit guides are ...Read More
Sun,08 Jan 2012
Bruce Nixon - Free PDF book download available - please share!
The Economics of Wellbeing: The purpose of an economy should be the wellbeing of all. We’re all interdependent, humans and other life ...Read More
Wed,14 Dec 2011
Christmas Film Review by Wendy Stokes:
FAREWELL MR KRINGLE (Hallmark TV 2010 84 minutes) is a feel-good-factor, all family viewing, modern day Christmas drama starring Christine Taylor as Annabell...Read More
Thu,08 Dec 2011
Dear Wendy: I have just been given a mystic topaz for a present. Can you tell me something about this stone? Jenny, Denver.
Hi Jenny: The topaz is named after a Greek word which means “to seek” and i...Read More
Mon,21 Nov 2011
Hi Wendy, I am interested in dowsing for buried treasure. What is the best method? John
Hello John, There are several techniques, all of which are fairly easy, and you do not need to invest in expe...Read More
Mon,14 Nov 2011
Review: Angels have been appreciated by people for thousands of years. The Assyrians had winged creatures that guarded their temples, the Zoroastrians recognized many types of angels, from archangels ...Read More
Sat,12 Nov 2011
The month of November is traditionally known as ‘Holy Month’. St Martin’s Feast occurs on 11th November and is a festival in honour of the Earth’s bountiful harvest and goose and wine are consumed as ...Read More
Wed,02 Nov 2011
My fiancé is a religious teacher and he has told me that I am too spiritually immature for marriage. What does this expression mean and how can I address this problem? Kieren
Anyone who has an addi...Read More
Fri,21 Oct 2011
Have you heard of the Library Angel? The Library Angel finds the book you need to read. This phenomena was publicised by Sir Anthony Hopkins who was recommended a novel by George Feifer called ‘The Gi...Read More
Thu,22 Sep 2011
Dear Wendy
My daughter’s friend’s mother is a spiritual teacher (or advertises herself as such). Their friendship began as school-friends to overnight sleep-overs, then holiday friend and now she a...Read More
Tue,30 Aug 2011
Hi Wendy, I am told that crystals have special healing powers. When I hold them in my hand or place them on my body, I can detect no difference between them, they just feel like hard lumps of stone wi...Read More
Mon,29 Aug 2011
Dear Wendy, I cannot understand why God created a world of disease, suffering and hardship. Sometimes I sit and cry when I see all this suffering. Shirley.
Dear Shirley, We live in a world where a...Read More
Sun,28 Aug 2011
John says: I am a diabetic and during during the winter, my electric heating switched off one night with an electric cut, I think I became comatose whilst asleep. I had what I think was a near-death e...Read More
Tue,05 Jul 2011
Swedenborg wrote extensively about his visions of angels in the afterlife. He describes them as having lived life as a human being and hence they know our difficulties. People are born to become angel...Read More
Mon,20 Jun 2011
Fred asks: Do we choose our present circumstances before we are born?
There are a variety of answers to this depending on whether you are a believer in reincarnation, the Judeo-Christian faith or ...Read More
Sun,19 Jun 2011
Major news channels, BBC, Sky TV and others, and our broadsheet newspapers, such as the Daily Telegraph reported the death of the internationally renowned Indian mystic, Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 24th Ap...Read More
Mon,25 Apr 2011
Whilst delivering a talk recently to promote my book, I mentioned the word ‘evil’ and was surprised by the reaction of some members of my audience. As I completed the talk, I was challenged. “There is...Read More
Mon,25 Apr 2011
I was meeting an old friend, Cathy, at an outdoor music festival on a bright summer’s day and she had brought her friend, Jenny, along. Whilst admiring the plants and the items made from natural woods...Read More
Sun,17 Apr 2011
Wars are being fought for ideological reasons – especially for religious beliefs, whether they be Christians, Hindus, Jews, Moslems or others who refer to their Gods by different names and all believe...Read More
Sun,10 Apr 2011
Fully Certified Provider: Vijay Rana
Central London Venue: Tel: 020 7976 6759
SHEN - Specific Human Emotional Nexus - can take place on an individual basis, as part of a retreat, o...Read More
Sun,10 Apr 2011
“Symbols, Cycles and Soul” was the title of a day workshop facilitated by a Jungian therapist and Swedenborgian, Helen Brown, at Greenhill New Church in New Barnet. Twelve attenders were delighted to ...Read More
Sat,09 Apr 2011
Interviewer: Wendy Stokes is the author of ‘The Lightworkers Circle Guide – A Workbook for Spiritual Groups’ which is published worldwide by O Books, the UK’s leading mind, body and spirit publishing ...Read More
Sat,09 Apr 2011
Recently, I joined 25 other interested participants at a very enjoyable ‘angel day’ entitled ‘Walking the Angel Way’ at the Greenhill Church in Barnet, Herts. This is a New Church, founded by Emanuel ...Read More
Thu,04 Nov 2010
Dogs Are Spiritual Beings by Wendy Stokes
Dogs have incredible psychic abilities and have been known, when lost, to find their way home across hundreds of miles. They can sense when their owner is ...Read More
Mon,14 Jul 2008
Daphne Whitehouse Biography
Daphne has run self development workshops, study days and courses for 18 years and holds qualifications as a Louise Hay Teacher & Personal Coach, Metaphysical Tutor and...Read More